Our Focus

For Corporate Services

According to estimates, almost 68% of urban working Indians suffer from a disease which has originated or triggered by lifestyle factors. World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum, say India will be one of the largest source of such diseases and will incur an accumulated loss of $236.6 billion by 2015 on account of unhealthy lifestyles and faulty diets.

As more and more people do less and less of physical work - the trends and the types of diseases are also changing rapidly. IT enabled work places and homes, mobiles, gaming devices and rich entertainment content are hooking up young people and even the kids are adapting this lifestyle from a very early age.

At PAL Physiotherapy, we firmly believe that preventive health and better body management will be a key to a healthy life in the time to come.

Our corporate team specializes in work related illnesses and can provide customized solutions and treatment options to companies who can significantly enhance the productivity by reducing the health related absenteeism and loss of precious work time.

At PAL Physiotherapy, we understand the nuances of pressures, stress and crazy schedules of today’s professionals, which pushes down ‘good health’ way down their priority list in life.

With medical insurance we often feel that we have done our bit for our health but we forget that insurance can only ensure that our health bills are taken care of, if we fall ill. The negatives of ill health on the quality of professional and personal life cannot be overlooked and any HR professional can vouch how a healthier employee reduces avoidable absenteeism and enhances
productivity and motivation levels in an organization.

We offer customized solutions to companies and design many innovative programs which incorporate minimum interference to work schedules and focus on ergonomics and MSD.

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