Chest Physiotherapy

PAL Physiotherapy provides the best chest physiotherapy to treat respiratory diseases. The therapy involves using a group of physical techniques that help improve lung function so that you can breathe better. The treatment goal of chest therapy is to clear mucus out of the lungs so that the body can get more oxygen. We have an extensive and highly equipped physiotherapy clinic with the best professional therapists and experts. Right from the necessary equipment and functional fitness regime, PAL Physiotherapy centre also provides home-visit treatment services.

Importance of Chest Physiotherapy

The purpose of chest physiotherapy is to:

  • Facilitate removal of profuse and restrained airway secretions
  • Eliminate lung’s secretions and expand breathing capacity
  • Effectively optimize lung compliance
  • Prevent lungs from collapsing
  • Improve gas exchange through body
  • Effectively optimize ventilation/perfusion ratio

Chest therapy is one of the best ways to treat respiratory diseases, including COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and Cystic fibrosis. The treatment also aids patients in preventing pneumonia during immobility or after surgery.


Chest therapy is a broad term and consists of various physiotherapy treatments. It is classified as modern, conventional, and instrumental techniques. The classification is wholly based on evolving research. The most functional one is modern and instrumental techniques.

Modern techniques

These are the non-invasive and efficient clearance methods developed over the years to augment the conventional approach. The treatment technique uses flow-through breath control to mobilize secretions effectively. It has two parts:

  • Active cycle of breathing
  • Autogenic drainage

Both methods are collectively employed to improve lung function by clearing secretions from the lungs. PAL Physiotherapists provide you the best treatment with advanced and sophisticated equipment for various treatments.

How often can you do Chest Physiotherapy?

Chest Physiotherapy is usually performed every eight to twelve hours. It depends on the individual’s needs and their age. We have the best professional therapists who can help you with a working plan to cure your disease.  

How is chest physiotherapy performed?

It is usually done several times a day under the supervision of a professional chest therapist for best results. The techniques employed depend on the diagnosis plan, age, and general health of the individual. The standard approach often employs different CPT techniques together for enhanced results. Some of them are:

  • Chest Percussion
  • Controlled coughing techniques.
  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Postural drainage
  • Intensive spirometry

Will you feel pain with chest physiotherapy?

Your relaxation and comfort are important to us, and thus our professional physiotherapist team administers non-tiring and comfortable techniques for your body. We care extra for the chronically ill and weak patients. The treatment technique for chest physiotherapy can be adjusted as per your condition, and your tolerance will considerably improve over time as you feel better with the treatment.

What can you expect after chest physiotherapy?

It can be tiring at times, but it will be a fruitful therapy with the right therapists! Over time, you can expect to experience better breathing and enhance the breathing capacity of the lungs. Chest physiotherapy helps increases the amount of oxygen in your blood only when the therapy is done regularly as per need. Thus, you will experience an increase in your energy level with regular chest therapy sessions.

We provide a complete range of physiotherapy treatments with a functional and highly advanced approach to cure you in the shortest time.

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