Calf Strain Treatment in Gurgaon

Calf Strain


A Calf Strain is one of the most common muscle injuries. It must be managed properly and if it is not managed properly, there is a high risk of re-injury followed by a prolonged recovery. Get an effective and proper Calf Strain treatment in Gurgaon from PAL Physiotherapy a well known physiotherapy center run by Dr. Rajesh Pal one of best physiotherapist in Gurgaon who have all kinds of physiotherapy treatment for their patient.

A pulled calf muscle refers to strains within the two muscles in the lower back of the leg of the patient making up the calf. These muscles are called the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. With the occurrence of a strain, muscle fibers are torn to some extent.

Muscle strains usually occur in the medial head of the gastrocnemius. Apart from that, they can occur close to the musculotendinous junction. The gastrocnemius muscle has been found to be more vulnerable to injury as it is a diarthrodial muscle and extends over the knee and the ankle.

A pulled calf muscle generally occurs when the internal muscles of the patient are overstretched from exercise. A Calf Strain is quite a common injury. It is more common among the athletes and runners.


The most common cause of a calf strain is the overstretching of calf muscles.  This may be initiated by a sudden, abrupt movement. Over-use of calf muscles is also the culprit sometimes.

The other common causes of Calf Strain are -

  • Insufficient warm up or cool down
  • A sudden change of direction
  • Explosive movement
  • Increase in speed
  • Climbing or running up hills
  • Overpronation
  • Wearing footwear leading to uncomfortable muscles
  • Sudden large force or pressure to the calf
  • Insufficient warm-up exercise
  • Overuse of muscles leading to injury


The set of symptoms of Calf Strain is not well-defined. It varies from patient to patient and also depends on the severity of the injury. Some of the most common symptoms of Calf Strain are -

  • A mild strain leaving you with pain and
  • A feeling of pulling within the lower half of the leg
  • Uncomfortable walking
  • Sudden pain in the calf muscle
  • Pain as you resume any activity demanding the excessive involvement of muscles
  • Swelling and inflammationAching and stiffness
  • Abnormal appearance of the calf
  • Mild to moderate pain
  • Swelling
  • A noticeable change in the color of the skin over the calf area
  • Redness or bruising
  • Difficulty in rising up on the toes
  • Pushing off from the foot
  • Mild swelling
  • Inability to stand up on the ball of your foot


The diagnosis of a pulled calf muscle usually begins with a symptom check. The doctor will also look for the presence of signs and symbols of swelling and bruising. The doctor may even instruct you to perform some mild stretches while examining your calf muscle to see if it’s pulled.

Further, during the diagnosis, the doctor or physiotherapist will conduct a thorough examination of the area. An Ultrasound or MRI scan may be performed to confirm the diagnosis of the disorder and also eliminate any further complications.

Another aspect of diagnosis involves a thorough clinical examination of the patient along with the study of medical history. This is generally enough to conclude a diagnosis. However, it is often difficult to reach an accurate diagnosis due to some other pathological conditions often imitating the symptoms of Calf Strain. Diagnostic imaging is indispensable to the diagnosis in such cases. An ultrasound (US) can confirm the diagnosis to a high degree of accuracy. It can also be used to judge the degree and extent of the muscular lesion. Besides, it helps to exclude other pathologies such as a ruptured Baker's cyst and deep vein thrombosis.


Physiotherapy is the most recommended approach towards the treatment for Calf Strain in Gurgaon. The patient should describe the intensity of symptoms in great detail to the physiotherapy. This will help in the proper analysis of the condition resulting in a suitable treatment plan. The main aims of treatment are -

  • Reduce pain
  • Restore flexibility
  • Restore strength

The primary treatment of calf strain consists of letting the patient take adequate rest and giving enough time to the muscles to heal. In the latter stages of treatment, massage and Electrotherapy can be used. As the pain decreases, the patient should start with some gentle exercises prescribed by the physiotherapist. Stretching can generally be begun in addition to the treatment recommended by a professional.

Treatment of Calf Strain in Gurgaon is not rigid and varies greatly depending on the grade of injury. However, the patient must understand that all cases require protection through ice, compressions and optimal loading during the first 48 hours. This is generally administered to limit the bleeding and swelling.

Once the patient is ready, the physiotherapist begins with soft tissue techniques. These usually include massage and dry needling (in some cases). It greatly helps to align the scar tissue formed during the healing process. Gentle strengthening and stretching drills can also be administered to further progress this.

With the progress in the state of the patient and the entire process, in general, the physiotherapist will customize the rehabilitation programme to include any specific sport of functional activities required to help restore the patient to a fully functional daily routine. The patient must note that the rehabilitation process should be conducted under the supervision of experts and professionals as it involves the risk of recurrence of the injury. Recovery can often be a slow process but fetches lasting results in a majority of the cases.

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