Post Operative Rehabilitation in Gurgaon

Post-operative physiotherapy is provided to the patient after they undergo surgery. It is a treatment followed by a wide variety of different surgeries. This method is used for both inpatients and outpatients. Looking for best Post Operative Rehabilitation in Gurgaon then contact at PAL Physiotherapy who have best physiotherapist who ensure to recovery of the patients.

Surgeries in Which Physiotherapy Is Must

The most common surgeries for which the physiotherapy treatment is recommended includes:

  • Orthopedic Surgery: It deals with the repair of bone, joint, and muscle along with reconstructions and replacements.
  • Spinal and Neurological Surgery: Procedure such as spinal fusions, disc repairs, and replacements, brain surgery etc. are followed during this.
  • Abdominal and Thoracic Surgery: This includes surgery for the internal organs including the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal system, liver, and other organs
  • Obstetric and Gynaecological Surgery: The, hysterectomy, postnatal, gynecological repairs and reconstructions along with other procedures takes place during this surgery.
  • Breast Surgery: Various resections and reconstructions procedures are performed in this kind of surgery.

Techniques of Physiotherapy

In Hospital Physiotherapy

In most of the cases, inpatient post-operative physiotherapy in Gurgaon starts right from the bedside. Immediately a day after the surgery gets overs, this treatment provides various recovery levels. In hospital physiotherapy, the treatment provided depends on the specific type of surgery performed, the instructions issued by the doctor and the level of recovery.

Common post-operative treatment may include:

  • Mobility Aids: To acquire advice and instruction on how to use crutches or other walking aids as required with safety.
  • Splints / Orthoses: To attain instructions regarding the fitting of splints or slings and how to apply and reapply these at home.
  • Breathing and Circulation Exercises: So as to prevent respiratory and vascular complications.
  • Discharge Advice: Necessary information regarding any equipment that might be required at home after discharge.
  • Movement assistance: To maintain the movement safely after surgery.
  • Ongoing Rehabilitation Advice: Explanation of the expected rehabilitation process and any precautions that need to be taken.
  • Tailored Exercise: Follow specific exercises and instruction, to assist the recovery

Outpatient Physiotherapy

After the discharge, the outpatient physiotherapy is continued in order to support the recovery. Although the doctor's reference to undergo physiotherapy is not important, yet the entire information regarding the surgery should be provided. The physical therapist develops a personalized treatment plan, which is prepared to keep in mind the combination of massage and hands-on mobilization, guided exercise and various other techniques. This aims at improving the range of motion, enhancement of the coordination and strength so that the patient can return to their work, sport or hobbies.

Broadly, post-operative physiotherapy occurs in three phases. They are namely -the early recovery phase, the strength, and range of motion phase followed by the functional restoration phase.

Physiotherapy in the Early Recovery Phase

This phase begins after the patient is discharged from surgery, this therapy is carried until the tissue gets healed, the swelling that might have from surgery dissipates and the pain associated with the surgery resolves to the maximum level. During this period of time, the Physiotherapist focuses on the following;

  • Prescribing gait aids like walkers or canes and providing instructing on their use
  • Reducing swelling
  • Assistance with early walking
  • Gentle manual therapy to restore the joint range of motion
  • Pain relief
  • Simple exercises to begin for regaining muscle functions without disruption to healing

Physiotherapy in the Strength and Range of Motion Phase

Once a certain milestone of healing for the specific surgery and its post-operative pain reduces, this program further focuses on normalizing the mechanics, range of motion, and strengthening of the body. It includes the following:

  • More difficult strength based exercises
  • Introduction of some balance and proprioception tasks
  • More aggressive manual therapy that helps to restore full joint range of motion
  • Soft tissue treatment to ensure regaining of full mobility

Physiotherapy in the Functional Restoration Phase

When the surgical site is ready and the patient's strength has been restored to a sufficient level enabling them to do more complex exercises, the program moves on to the functional restoration phase of the post-operative therapy. Each person has a different way to uses their body and a lifestyle that holds different physical demands. Thus, it is important that each patient is made to undergo physiotherapy program designed to meet their physical goals.

Through this, a patient might be looking forward to getting back to an exclusive level of the sport, another maybe simply wanting to get down on the floor so that he/she can play with their grand children. Therefore, the program works towards the stage of achieving the personal goals of the patient. During this period of time, the patient might perform some of the following work:

  • A progression of exercises is designed to meet the complex functional goals of the body.
  • To improve the balance and coordination, set of more difficult and complex tasks and proprioception exercises are performed.
  • Manual therapy is also given to restore full joint range of motion (if it not achieved in the previous segment of therapy)
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